Doukas Media

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‘Tis the Season for Holiday Campaign Planning

While the holiday season still feels a ways away, the slight chill in the air and gold-tipped treetops serve as reminders that it’ll catch up to us before we know it. And, when it comes to holiday campaign planning, you can never be too early -- or too prepared.

Below are our favorite tips for a successful holiday marketing campaign.

Determine Your Campaign’s Purpose

Building out a campaign without clear goals in mind could lead to misguided and superfluous spending. Think broadly about what you want to get out of your holiday campaign (Sales? Leads? Brand Awareness? Referrals?) and get more and more specific until your desired goals are tangible and attainable. Only then can you begin to develop the strategy you’ll use to achieve them.

Invest in Reflection

Think about your typical customer - do they plan well in advance, or hold out for last-minute deals? Think about your competitors - how have they rolled out their seasonal campaigns, and when? Think about your previous holiday campaigns - which elements worked, and which needed work? Taking the time to reflect on past performance, and your market, will help you better plan for this year’s campaign efforts.

Timing is Everything

While it’d be awkward and out of touch to launch a holiday sale before Halloween decorations leave the stores, October is the perfect time to complete your campaign plans. Starting early ensures that logistical details can be accounted for, budgets can be solidified, and partners secured. Waiting too late could mean that your desired influencer partner has already committed to another business, or that you’ve missed out on a key opportunity to draw attention to your campaign.

Consider Digital Initiatives

Whether or not your products or services are available through online channels, consider using digital marketing initiatives to capture your customers’ attention. Whether it’s through a crafty Facebook ad that speaks to locals in your area, a thoughtful email to your subscribers, or a strategic product listing ad on Google, think about how you can resonate.

Just Tell a Good Story

For most, the holiday season is a time for love, laughter, and warm-hearted generosity. It serves as a chance for you, and your business, to connect with your customers on a deeper, more emotional level. Above all else, use your holiday season campaign as a chance to enhance the relationships that you already have, and maybe even build new ones.

Happy holiday planning!


Need some help with turning your big campaign ideas into reality? Contact the Doukas Media team today.