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Optimizing Your Etsy Shop Using SEO

Etsy is a global marketplace that allows creative sellers to connect and build relationships with buyers. Etsy prides itself on maintaining human-focused commerce in an increasingly impersonal world through a platform that “empowers sellers to do what they love and helps buyers find what they love.”

The key to generating sales on Etsy is driving the right traffic to your shop, but with almost 2 million active Etsy sellers, it can be a challenge for new and mature sellers alike to get noticed. Investing time in SEO (search engine optimization) efforts can go a long way in starting relationships with potential buyers, and is well worth it.

Each listing on your shop should be helpfully descriptive so that the shopper knows exactly what to expect from your product. Consider the following questions from Etsy for you to think about when creating each unique listing:

  1. What is it? What is it, specifically?

  2. Who is it for?

  3. What is the main material and color?

  4. What method or technique did you use to make it?

  5. Where will the item be used?

  6. What size and style is it?

  7. What imagery or motifs are on it?

  8. Are there synonyms?

  9. What is the scent or flavor?

  10. What era is it from?

  11. Is it related to a holiday or special occasion?

  12. What is your shop name?

When creating an SEO-friendly Etsy shop, it’s important to consider the keywords that Etsy shoppers are searching for that relate to the products you sell. Do you create custom shabby-chic wedding signage? Consider the shoppers who’d be interested in your products, and what types of words or phrases (“keywords”) they might search for on Etsy during their wedding planning process.

Brainstorm specific words, as well as broader phrases where you’d be relevant to their searches. You can also use Etsy’s search bar to get a feel for the most popular searches. The bar auto-completes popular phrases!

Once you become familiar with the terms that’ll resonate with your potential customers, start to work them into your shop page, listings, and tags. This will help more of the “right” people find you on Etsy, and help you “rank” your products in the Etsy search. The higher up your listing is in the search, the more likely people are to see it, and the more interest (and sales!) you’ll drive to your shop.

Creating SEO-friendly Etsy shops can be time-consuming, and frustrating if you’re not well versed. Interested in our Etsy SEO services? Contact us today!